Diving deep into this abyss
Of my heart with countless crevice
Untouched untravelled unmet unknown ,
Was this road before…
Into my heart’s door…
With no light anymore…
Memories that I have
Long forgotten
Came up the surface
Dead and rotten
Scathing, scalding scorching
Haunting me by core….
Shaking me once more….
This was like before….
Secrets I tried
So hard to hide
Locked away
Deep buried inside
Toxic brutal hurtful
Exploded out the core…
Opening the wound sore…
I could hide no more….
Finally let out
For you to see
I opened my heart
As I trusted thee
Nervous uncertain scared
Yet brazen
For this secret untold…
Of what was left untold…
And no more to withhold….
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